MAP Policy


Hab+Dash is a division of the filament technologies company, Fil-Tec, Inc. We have had a longstanding commitment to our retail stores to offer the highest quality service and product in the industry. We value our customers' feedback and always consider your needs when making business decisions. We also want to offer our superior products to every type of customer, whether you are a small mom and pop shop or a larger distributor.

MAP Policy Overview

Hab+Dash believes that all stores should be given equal opportunity to sell our products at their retail store or on their online shop. We are implementing MAP policy so that our products are sold at a fair price and a price that encompasses the quality of our products.

Products Covered

This policy applies to all top thread and bobbin (including thread and bobbin kits) products sold by Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec. Each reseller is responsible for regularly checking their Hab+Dash profile to ensure they are up to date with the current pricing. Any major price adjustments will also be emailed ahead of the scheduled price change.


If you advertise Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec top thread or bobbins along with any discounts, rebates, price guarantees, or any bundling of Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec products with other products that results in a net advertised price below the MAP, you will not be in compliance with this policy.

Advertising Covered by this Policy

This MAP policy applies to Advertising only. By “Advertising” we mean any posting or displaying of Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec products for sale. This policy only applies to the following Advertising:

1. Any and all advertising of Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec products for sale on the public internet.
2. Any and all advertising of Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec products for sale in any printed magazines, newspapers, catalogues, mailers, public signage, billboards, or any other print media.

No Restriction on Selling Price

This Policy does not restrict the price at which you may sell Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec products. This policy only addresses the MAP in regard to advertising for sale of Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec products via the internet and print media as outlined above in Advertising Covered by this policy.

Non-compliance and Enforcement

1. We will notify the reseller of their non-compliant advertising and will give them five (5) business days to rectify the situation and come back into compliance with this Policy
2. If after five (5) business days the non-compliant advertising continues, Fil-Tec, Inc. will, at its sole discretion, take one or more of the following actions:
a) Stop accepting any new orders for Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec products
b) Stop the shipment of any open orders for Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec products
c) Discontinue all business between the non-compliant reseller and Fil-Tec, Inc.


If after an action is taken as noted above and the reseller does become compliant, the decision as to whether we will reverse our action or whether we will restart a normal business relationship, shall remain with us and solely subject to our judgement.

3. If a formerly non-compliant reseller, after becoming compliant and resuming normal business with Fil-Tec, Inc., violates the Policy a second time, we may move directly to item 2, above, and forego the grace period offered in item 1, above.

Distributors and Sales to Resellers

If you are a distributor who sells Hab+Dash by Fil-Tec to other resellers, or if you choose to sell to resellers, then we will hold you responsible for the advertising activities of your reseller customers. That means that any non-compliant advertising by your reseller
customers will be deemed to be non-compliance by you and will make you subject to the non-compliance enforcement actions outlined above. You may share a copy of this Policy to your reseller customers, but whether you choose to do so or not is your decision.